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At The Bee Hive

Poppy's Pizza

Kerry has been working on his Pizza making skills. He will be making pizza and selling them on assigned dates on the google sheets below. Click on the google sheets that has your desired date, then choose your pick up time. Enter your information, this will allow us to know how much supplies we need for that date. Once you arrive, enter the building and pay for your order and this is when the approximately 5-20 min prepping/cooking process will begin. Grab a root beer and relax in the delicious aroma and beautiful country evening.
Current toppings available:   Pepperoni (the best Pepperoni I have ever had)
Green Pepper
Mushrooms (fresh)
Sauce is made by Kerry

No Feature for March 1, 2024

Feature for March 8, 2024 Chicken Club

Soon to Come...
Lolo's Lemons

Lolo and her Dad are concocting a little fresh squeezed refreshment to go with your nummy ZAaa! 

Lemon Shake-ups with a twist are soon to come.

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