I started out by taking a basic chemistry class for nursing (this was a few years ago 1992). My professor discussed how water and oil does not mix but with the chemical reaction of saponifiing the water and oil together you would get this rich lathery product....yep, you guessed it, SOAP. Being the hands on girl that I am, I had to try it. Besides, we started a hobby of raising honey bees which was turning into a small business and we needed a few hive products to go along with the honey. I had been doing research on the properties/uses of honey and found it was FABULOUS! Honey is a natural anti bacterial, it is the only food that does not spoil. When put on the skin or hair it acts as a natural humectant(pulls or holds moisture). It is a completely natural and amazing product! Then I began researching other products that are great for the skin and with many mistakes, a lot of reading, and dollars spent creating my own recipes. I finally came to what I feel is the best soap in the world, of course I may be a bit partial.
From hands that are continually washed(like me in the nursing industry) to sensitive skin, I have made a wholesome product with no preservatives. We do not test on animals, I have something better...it is called family members with sensitive skin. They are the best guinea pigs ever and I LOVE THEM!! My daughter would break out if the laundry detergent/soap was changed and a fair skinned, blue eyed, blonde(sensitive skin NEEDs healthier products or they will make a Mom's life miserable)needs soap too. So my products are family tested and approved, besides who doesn't want healthier skin? The skin is the largest organ of your body, everyone should try to take care of their skin.
Lastly, I would like to say that I am not a doctor. I do not heal or cure, nor do my products represent medication, nor am I saying that you will not have allergies to my products. Anyone can have an allergic reaction to any product. All products should be tested on a small portion of the skin just as you would any new product. On the flip side, oils have been used by other cultures to help skin issues. However, I am still making NO CLAIMS ABOUT ANY OF MY PRODUCTS. I will leave that up to you!
For any of you who are going to purchase any of my products I would like to Thank you for supporting a small, women ran, American industry like mine. It is so greatly appreciated!